The Office of International Relations (OIR) will help you in the following ways throughout the process.
According to the Bureau of Immigration (BOI), Govt. of India (GOI), all Individual visa seekers need to apply for Indian Visa online at
To view the details of visas granted by the Govt. of India (GOI), Click here.
For complete information on applying for Indian Visa please log on to: or
If the visa is valid for more than 180 days, registration is compulsory within 14 days of arrival in India. No fee is required to be paid for registration, but a penalty in Indian currency equivalent to US$ 30/- or equivalent (In Indian currency) would be charged in case of late registration. The Foreigners visiting India are also required to adhere to the Special Endorsement made on the Visa by the Indian Mission..
Post arrival to IITKGP campus, the Office of International Relations (OIR) will assist you to complete the registration process with the local authorities..
For more information on the general instructions for the registration by the Foreigners please visit: .
As per the BOI, Govt. of India:
All Foreigners must submit application for extension of residential permit / visa at least 60 days before the date of expiry of respective residential permit/visa.
Follow this link, for the list of documents required for visa extension.
It is advised to talk to OIR Executives when there is any requirement for visa extension. The OIR will arrange to get the visa extension done on before the date of expiry of respective residential permit/visa.
A foreigner shall be charged a penalty in Indian currency equivalent to US $30/- for late or delayed renewal of RP.
In the event of overstay, a foreigner will be subject to penal measure as per GOI provisions.