Postgraduate Scholarship for International Students
Under this programme, GURU KRUPA FOUNDATION (GKF), USA supports meritorious self-funded international studenmts of Postgraduate level across all disciplines in the form of awarding scholarships of upto INR 25,000 per month to cover tuition fees, hostel/.accomodation charges, mess charges, living expenses. The awardee will be selected based on the academic excellence of the candidate.
Eligibility criteria
The student must not have any disciplinary action taken against him/her during stay at IIT Kharagpur
The CGPA must be at least 8.5 with no backlog in any subject
The student is not a recipient of any financial support from the Institute or outsie sponsor
Application Process
Bonafied students who wish to avail the scholarship should apply against the call released by the Office of International Relations by filling up the form. The call is released normally in the month of January every year.
The following documents will be required at the time of application:
Transcript from IIT Kharagpur
Academic transcript of the Bachelor's programme
letter of endorsement from Head of the Department/School/Centre
Letter of recommendation
The scholarship will be awarded for one year. However, the student may apply for the same against the next call.
Internship Programe for Domestic Students
Under this programme, GURU KRUPA FOUNDATION (GKF), USA supports meritorious Undergraduate and Postgraduate, including PhD students from all the Departments/Schools/Centres, especially from the Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, each year for availing high quality international reserach and professional internships at well-recognised universities outside India.
The ranking/recognition of the host institution
The quality of the proposed research
Academic standing of the applicant
In addition to the above, awards are administered based on the following considerations:
Mandatory internships are given priority over optional internships
3rd year students are given priority over 2nd year students in optional category
Students from the Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering are given highest priority in the mandatory internship category
Application Process:
Bonafied students interested in availing the financial support must apply against the call for aplication, which is normally released in February or March of every year, along with application guidelines.
The following information will be required for application:
Roll Number
Email Id
Year of study
Proof of NO backlog
Whether internship is 'optional' or 'mandatory'
Name of the Host Institution and Department
Details of the financial support received from the host university
Funding Proof
Award amount requested from GKF
Duration of visit to host university
A brief SoP
Only those applications will be considered which satisfy the following additional criteria:
No disciplinary action has been taken against the student at any point of time during his/her stay at IIT Kharagpur
The start and end date of internship must be within the approved norm and policy of the Institute. If in case the internship period extends beyond the approval time window a permission from the Academic Dean will be required to this effect
No Objection Certificate (NOC) in the standard format is signed by Competent Authority
GKF will provide financial support up to USD 5000 to the awardees. In case, the support from GKF does not cover the entire expense, the awardee would be responsible for arranging additional source of support.
No student may solicit funds directly for GKF.
Dr Mukund Padmanabhan is the Researcher at Renaissance Technologies and President and Founder, Guru Krupa Foundation. He did his MS & PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles. The first part of Mukund's career followed the trajectory of a topflight reseracher at UCLA and then at IBM Research, with prolific publication in speech recognition and signal processing. The second part of his career followed an unconventional path-that of applying his technical expertise to the domain of finance at one of the best hedge funds in the world, Renaissance Technologies. This has led him to enormous financial success, and he is mentioned in many articles on the internet. He has also chosen to use financial success to give back to his alma maters and other communities through philanthropy. He started a charitable foundation, Guru Krupa Foundatio, that has improved the lives of many thousands of people over the last decade. His success and generosity are an inspiration for young professionals and make him an outstanding role model. Mukund's philanthropic endeavours are beyond providing internship fundings and grants for international travel. He has also supported many students of IIT Kharagpur during their financial crisis, demonstrating his commitment to help students achieve their academic goals regardless of their financial circumstances.