The Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) is an initiative of Ministry of Education, Government of India. It aims at improving the research ecosystem of India’s higher educational institutions by facilitating academic and research collaborations between top ranked Indian Institutions and globally ranked Foreign Institutions, through Joint Research Projects involving mobility of students and faculty.
The SPARC Scheme is highly impactful in providing superior international expertise to address major national problems, expose Indian academicians to the best collaborators abroad, enable international faculty to stay in India for a longer duration, provide Indian students an opportunity to work in the world class laboratories, to develop strong bilateral relationships in research, and improve the international ranking of Indian Institutions.
IIT Kharagpur is the National Coordinating Institute of SPARC. Together with the Nodal Institutions involved in this scheme attempt is being made to significantly enhance the research collaboration with best Institutes abroad, thereby improving the research ecosystem of our country. During the first phase started in 2018-2019, about 390 projects of a grant worth INR 251.09 Crores were approved.
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