Joint Doctoral Program - University of Auckland

IIT Kharagpur and the University of Auckland, NZ, have signed the Joint Doctoral Program Agreement in December 2019. Both the Institutes are looking to build up a strategic long-term academic collaboration through fully funded joint supervision of students. The 3rd year UG student will be jointly guided by the IITKGP and UoA faculty team not only during the summer, but throughout the fourth year (as part of BTP or other project work). This joint guidance will help build up long term collaboration between the two faculty members. The year-long research collaboration may culminate in joint guidance of a student to be enrolled in IITKGP-UoA joint PhD degree program.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Candidate must be admitted within the first 18 months of the enrolment at the home institution
  • Students must complete course requirements and comprehensive exam
  • Entry Grade point equivalent of 6.0 GPA
  • Final year research Project score of A
Duration of stay at host Univ.
At least 24 months
Funding at Host univ.
Local stipend scholarships (2) from the host through competitive application
Coursework requirement at host univ.
Not required
Award of Degree
Testamur bearing the seals of IIT Kharagpur and the University of Auckland.

Stage 1: Exploration

  • Check eligibility criteria
  • Identify supervisor and project in host university
  • Get consent from Host University
  • Start Application in second semester

Stage 2: Application

  • Application form
  • Evaluation and Shortlisting at IITKGP
  • Short-listed candidate’s application sent to Host University
  • Host University evaluates and makes provisional offer

Stage 3: Admission

  • Complete 2nd Semester
  • Complete Comprehensive exam
  • Host University extends final offer
  • Student admitted to JDP at IITKGP after final scrutiny and approval
  • Other specific IITKGP-Partner JDP rules apply

Process Flow at UoAuckland

  • Students EOI with home institution for joint UoA-IIT
  • Initial triage by home institution and check that student meets entry qualifications at both institution (min GPE 6.0 and B+ in 30pts research) -
  • Home institutions confirms students they wish to put forward for joint UoA-IIT and both institutions liaise to form project team
  • Students formally apply for PhD at home institutions
  • Students accepted into receive formal offer also accepted into joint PhD programme. 2-3 scholarships offered each year for joint UoA-IIT students (across entire programme)

  1. Cover letter giving all details of the intended application. Along with student’s details. This is to be signed by Faculty Mentor and Head/Concerned Dean.
  2. Filled up Prerequisite Form
  3. NoC from Faculty Mentor and Head/Concerned Dean
  4. Letter to Faculty mentor Requesting permission to join the JDP, giving details of your intended research and activities. This letter will have to be signed by the applicant
  5. Letter of Support from Faculty Mentor, routed through HoD/Concerned Dean
  6. Letter of Support/or email and acceptance of Host Mentor expressing willingness to mentor the student
  7. Student transcripts (downloaded from ERP and hard copy prints)
  8. Letter from Fac. Mentor at IITKGP stating that all medium of instruction and examination is conducted in English. Therefore the English language requirement may be waived.
  9. Filled up DSC recommendation form
  10. Completion of Registration Seminar.
  11. Joint PhD Agreement Proposal Form

JDP Prerequisite form

Request for Joining JDP

NoC from Department

English Language Requirement Waiver

DSC recommendation form

Information on JDP with Auckland

Individual Doctoral Agreement