Joint Doctoral Program - University of Melbourne

The program is open to first-year doctoral students of the Home Institution. IITKGP Students: In order to be eligible, you must complete your coursework and comprehensive exam within 12 months of enrollment and have a minimum CGPA of 8.5. You need to spend 12 to 24 months in Melbourne doing research under joint-supervision. The thesis is evaluated by each Institute according to its own rules and the joint nature of the work is acknowledged in the degree certificates. Funding on both sides is available. Additional information may be sought from Prof. Goutam Das, GSSST, Coordinator of the IITKGP-UoM DDP, the OIR and the MIPA portal.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Min 8.5 CGPA
  • 1st year Doctoral students
  • Completed coursework & comprehensive at IITKGPs
Duration of stay at host Univ.
12 to 24 months
Funding at Host univ.
local stipend/ scholarship from the host on competitive basis
Coursework requirement at host univ.
Not required
Award of Degree
Two separate degrees cross referencing the partner

Stage 1: Exploration

  • Check eligibility criteria
  • Identify supervisor and project in host university
  • Get consent from Host University
  • Start Application in second semester

Stage 2: Application

  • Application form
  • Evaluation and Shortlisting at IITKGP
  • Short-listed candidate’s application sent to Host University
  • Host University evaluates and makes provisional offer

Stage 3: Admission

  • Complete 2nd Semester
  • Complete Comprehensive exam
  • Host University extends final offer
  • Student admitted to JDP at IITKGP after final scrutiny and approval
  • Other specific IITKGP-Partner JDP rules apply

  1. Cover letter giving all details of the intended application. Along with student’s details. This is to be signed by Faculty Mentor and Head/Concerned Dean.
  2. Filled up Prerequisite Form
  3. NoC from Faculty Mentor and Head/Concerned Dean
  4. Letter to Faculty mentor Requesting permission to join the JDP, giving details of your intended research and activities. This letter will have to be signed by the applicant
  5. Letter of Support from Faculty Mentor, routed through HoD/Concerned Dean
  6. Letter of Support/or email and acceptance of Host Mentor expressing willingness to mentor the student
  7. Student transcripts (downloaded from ERP and hard copy prints)
  8. Letter from Fac. Mentor at IITKGP stating that all medium of instruction and examination is conducted in English. Therefore the English language requirement may be waived.
  9. Filled up DSC recommendation form
  10. Completion of Registration Seminar for specific cases.
  11. Individual Graduate Record Agreement

JDP Prerequisite form

Request for Joining JDP

NoC from Department

English Language Requirement Waiver

DSC recommendation form

Individual Graduate Record Agreement

Eligibility criteria and how to apply

  1. Students must satisfy the entry requirements for PhD at both IIT Kharagpur and the University of Melbourne.
  2. Students need to apply independently to each institution. First, they must get admitted and enrolled at the Home Institution and then apply for DDP at the Home and Partner Institutions within the first year of enrolment (candidature) at Home Institution. Application can be made anytime during the year.
  3. The Partner Institution will consider the application only for those students who have been approved by the Home Institution for DDP. An additional DDPform will need to be completed as part of this process. This form will outline the agreed specific arrangements for each student’s Dual PhD (e.g. dates of location at each institution, names of supervisors, coursework, scholarship arrangements etc.).
  4. Students are required to attach (a) a letter of support from the appropriate Dean (International Relations/ Research Training) of the Home Institution, and (b) a letter of support from the Home Institution supervisor(s) and the Partner Institute supervisor(s) with their application to the Partner Institution.

  1. The student must be admitted into the PhD programme at IIT Kharagpur.
  2. The student must have a GPA of 8.5/10 or above from a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree conducted at one of the participating institutions: IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur or IIT Madras. Those students with GPA less than 8.5/10 in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree conducted at one of the participating institutions, must secure a minimum GPA of 8.5 in the first year of their PhD program in order to be eligible..
  3. Students who do not have Bachelor’s/Master’s degree from a participating Institution, must secure a minimum GPA of 8.5 in the first year of their PhD program in order to be eligible.

  1. The student must be admitted as a PhD student at UoM.
  2. The students must have a GPA of 8.5/10 or above from their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

Selection Process

  1. The student will be enrolled in a PhD program at IIT Kharagpur with an appropriate scholarship from IIT Kgp.
  2. The student will be required to successfully complete the required coursework and comprehensive examination within 12 months of enrolment in PhD at IIT Kharagpur.
  3. If successful, the student will receive a PhD offer from UoM under DDP. For students who (a) obtained their Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from an institution other than one of the participating IITs, or (b) obtained their Bachelor’s or Master’s or both degrees from one of the participating IITs but had GPA less than 8.5 in all such degrees, the offer will be conditional on achieving a minimum GPA 8.5 in the coursework in their first year of PhD at IIT Kharagpur.

  1. The student will receive PhD candidature and stipend + fee remission offers from UoM.
  2. The student will be required to successfully complete the required coursework and deliver the confirmation seminar within 12 months of commencement (enrolment) of PhD at UoM.
  3. If successful, the student will receive DDP offer from IIT Kharagpur.

Candidature and Scholarship

  1. On enrolment for PhD at Home Institution, an Advisory Panel / DSC will be formed as per rules of the Home Institution. Upon successful enrolment in DDP, supervisor(s) and two more Academics from the Partner Institution will be inducted into the Advisory Panel/DAC. The Panel will meet at least twice in a year (online mode) to assess the student’s progress.
  2. Students will be required to furnish six-monthly progress reports to both institutions via the Advisory Panel. Students will receive a local stipend scholarship from the institution at which they are physically located during their candidature. The Home Institution may choose to suspend stipend during the absence.
  3. Travel support if any will be awarded according to rules of the Home Institution. Tuition and other fees payable during stay at the Partner Institution will be waived by the Partner Institution.

  1. The student will follow the rules of IIT Kharagpur regarding the coursework. There will be no additional coursework requirement at UoM.
  2. The student will complete the comprehensive examination within 12 months of enrolment into PhD program of IIT Kharagpur.
  3. The student will spend 12-24 months at UoM depending on the project requirements as determined by the Advisory Committee in consultation with the supervisors from each institution. The maximum duration of UoM stipend for IIT Kharagpur candidates will be 2 years.
  4. The student will need to deliver a confirmation seminar within 12 months of commencing at UoM. Registration seminar of IIT Kharagpur will be considered equivalent to confirmation seminar at UoM provided concerned faculty of UoM participate through video conferencing. Internal progress reports will be generated to assess student’s standing.
  5. The enrolment (commencement) date at UoM will be the date when the student enrols at UoM after accepting the offer of DDP.
  6. Visits to UoM will take place with due approval from IIT Kharagpur. When not resident at UoM, the student will be on approved Study Away from UoM.

  1. The student will follow the rules of UoM regarding any coursework. There will be no additional coursework requirement at IIT Kharagpur.
  2. The student will complete a confirmation seminar within 12 months of commencing at UoM.
  3. The student will spend 12-24 months at IIT Kharagpur depending on the project requirements as determined in consultation with the supervisors from each institution. The maximum duration of IIT Kharagpur scholarship for UoM candidates will be 2 years.
  4. The student will need to deliver a registration seminar within 12 months of enrolment at IIT Kharagpur. If the confirmation seminar at UoM is held after the student enrols at IIT Kharagpur under DDP, and is attended by concerned IIT Kharagpur faculty members by video conferencing, it will be considered equivalent to the registration seminar at IITKgp. Otherwise, the student will need to deliver a registration seminar during his/her stay at IIT Kharagpur. Internal progress reports will be generated to assess student’s standing.
  5. The enrolment (commencement) date at IIT Kharagpur will be the date when the student enrols at IIT Kharagpur after accepting the offer of DDP.
  6. When not resident at UoM and visiting IIT Kharagpur, the student will be on approved Study Away.

Thesis Submission and Examination

  1. The student must meet the examination requirements of both institutions to be awarded the DDP, including any Oral Examination requirements.
  2. The student will submit identical copies of the thesis written in English to both institutions.
  3. The thesis will be examined by at least two external examiners.
  4. Thesis examiners must:
    1. be independent of both institutions
    2. be of good international standing in the research topic of the thesis
    3. be qualified to at least PhD level or have equivalent research experience
    4. have previous experience as a supervisor or examiner of a PhD
    5. be from different institutions.
  5. A person is ineligible to serve as an examiner if they:
    1. have had a formal association with either institution within the past five years and/or during the examination, including employment at the institution in teaching and/or research as either a full-time, part-time or sessional staff member, or in an honorary capacity
    2. are a supervisor or advisory committee member of the candidate under examination
    3. have had direct involvement with the thesis through reading drafts or discussing the research
    4. have directly collaborated in work with the student and/or with the student’s supervisors in the last 5 years
    5. have a real or perceived conflict of interest with the student, the supervisors or the institutions of a personal, professional or commercial nature
  6. The thesis and relevant forms will be sent to the examiners by each partner institution. The examiners will return two sets of forms; one to each institution. Each institution will pay the examiners in line with their rules and regulations.
  7. The student will resubmit the revised thesis, if necessary, on the basis of examiners comments in consultation with both the supervisors and with the combined approval of the Chair of Examiners at both institutions.
  8. In case of grossly conflicting recommendation by the two external examiners, the relevant Deans of the two Institutions will discuss on the future course of action which may include sending it to a third jointly appointed external examiner.
  9. If successful, the student will receive two separate degree certificates each of which will acknowledge the joint nature of the degree and will include the name of the partner institution.

  1. Student must give a ‘Synopsis Seminar’ when the thesis is complete. This will be considered equivalent to the ‘Completion Seminar’ of UoM. Concerned faculty from the Partner Institution will participate by video conferencing. If accepted by DSC, the thesis will be sent out for review by external examiners.
  2. The thesis examination will be initiated by IIT Kharagpur and the initial contact and invitations to examiners will be sent by IIT Kharagpur.
  3. The student will undergo an oral examination in line with IIT Kharagpur requirements. Relevant faculty from the Partner Institution will participate by video conferencing.

  1. The student must give a ‘Completion Seminar’, when the thesis is complete. This will be considered equivalent to the ‘Synopsis Seminar’ of IITKgp. Relevant faculty from the Partner Institution will participate by video conferencing. If accepted by DAC, the thesis will be sent out for review by external examiners.
  2. The thesis examination will be initiated by UoM and the initial contact and invitations to examiners will be sent by UoM.
  3. The student will undergo an oral examination in line with IIT Kharagpur requirements. This is to ensure that the student meets the usual requirements of both institutions to be awarded a Joint PhD. Relevant faculty from the Partner Institution will participate by video conferencing.