APRIL 30, 2023 IIT Kharagpur is inviting applications from foreign candidates for admission to Masters' and Doctoral (PhD) Programmes in all its Departments/Centres/Schools for the Autumn Semester 2023-24. Deadline Extended to MAY 31, 2023
IIT Kharagpur is poised to re-strengthen its position as one of the Top Academic Institutes Globally, through Joint Degrees, student Exchange and Strong Research collaborations.
- Prof. Rabibrata Mukherjee Dean, International Relations
An important dimension of globalization is the mobility of human resources for higher education and research. The unrestricted movement of people and ideas across campuses and countries enables sharing of the world’s academic and technical resources. It is the mandate of the Office of International Relations at IITKGP to act as catalysts to make this possible. We invite you to engage with us so we may all learn from our shared experiences. This alone will equip us for the demands of our ever evolving societies and help us move forward towards a more sustainable state of being.
- Prof. GOUTAM CHAKRABORTY Asssociate Dean, International Relations & Ranking