Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2021

Jaydeep Godbole | Electrical Engineering

University of Southern California, USA

What motivated you for MS/Ph.D.? From where did you get the motivation? How did it all start? How did you handle your preparation with your academics?

Some of my cousins are studying in universities in the USA, so I always wanted to study there. Moreover, most of my friends in AGV are very much interested in doing higher studies. So, in my second year, I decided to make a focused effort towards this aim. I was able to handle GRE and TOEFL preparation, along with my academics at IIT Kharagpur, and prepared more thoroughly in the last 2 months of applying.

What is the process of Interdisciplinary studies? How easy was the switch? (Information is already covered in other questions and was mixed up) Did you apply to multiple universities? If yes, can you please elaborate on the differences in the selection process of the universities? What was the role of your CGPA?

I applied to around 9 universities and 2 programs at Purdue, so in total 10 programs. I noted that one’s CGPA matters a lot in getting selected and especially at Purdue, they want rich profiles of their applicants. A high GRE score looks very good on your CV, but more emphasis is given on the SOP that you submit. Georgia Tech considers both GRE scores and your profile with an almost equal weightage. So overall, one must have a strong profile to apply.

How are you planning to manage your finances? Have you applied for any scholarships? What were their procedures?

MS Programs in universities in Canada are always funded as applications are accepted only if the Professor has enough funding. The US universities provide various scholarships, but you must apply for them much earlier before the admissions, so most of the students take loans to manage their finances. I was awarded a special scholarship, from Purdue University, starting from my first semester, which is rare. Moreover, students have opportunities to earn alongside their studies by taking up on-campus jobs such as TA or RA. Getting a TA offer usually leads to waiving of that semester's fees, which makes it a lot easier.

How did IIT KGP benefit you in your journey?

IITs have a very good reputation even in the top universities around the world. KGP students have a very good reputation at Purdue University. I once went to a professor in my department, and he connected me with his colleague at Purdue University and we worked together for my BTP. The research groups also added to my knowledge.

What difficulties has the pandemic brought in your selection process? How is your university managing this confusion of COVID-19?

The main reason for my application being rejected in many universities is because many students have deferred their admissions to this year and thus the seats got reduced in number and it was tough to get in. The batch intake size of many universities has almost been exhausted. Now, the universities have not declared whether they would start with the semester in offline or online mode, but in the coming months, I am sure they would release some confirmatory notice. As of Fall 2021, most (if not all) universities in the US have resumed operations in an in-person mode, albeit with certain constraints.

What are the opportunities after the MS/Ph.D. course?

After my MS, I would like to complete my Ph.D. and I see myself working in the Research Teams of some of my dream companies.

What message do you want to give the juniors today who are interested in pursuing similar courses?

I would like to tell them that try working on your profile. If you are in your second year, try having research experience and prepare for exams like GRE and TOEFL along with the Academics. In your third year, try to work under some professors and gain experience. After working with the professor at Purdue University, I was awarded a Letter of Recommendation which looked great on my profile. Be focused and prepare a strong profile with a good CGPA, and you can get into your dream universities.