Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2021

Sourim Banerjee | Chemical Engineering

Purdue University, USA

What motivated you for pursuing a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering?

In classes 11 and 12, we learned the basics, and it built a foundation for engineering where we learned how to tackle real-world problems. People doing jobs solve existing problems, whereas people doing research look for solutions to issues that we will face in the future. That is why I am more interested in pursuing a Ph.D.

You have done a summer research internship at Purdue University. Has that helped in obtaining admission to the same university?

Yes, doing an internship in the same university helps in the application process. Moreover, it also helps us know more about the institution and its workings.

You have changed your discipline from Chemical Engineering to Mechanical Engineering. How easy was this shift? What motivated you for this switch? 

It depends on one’s profile and interests. I was interested in mechanical engineering. I came to know about this as I have done my internships and projects in this branch. This helped me discover my interests and ideas. People say that applying to an interdisciplinary field will be hard, but in my case, it was not so difficult as I had already done a summer research internship in the mechanical field.

How did you manage your preparations for applying to a foreign university along with the academics? 

It was not an easy task. Also, as the semester was online and started late, it was hard to manage everything together, but the key was to manage time efficiently and focus on the work on hand.  

How will you manage your finances? Did you apply for any Scholarships?

Typically, the two significant funding for a graduate student is Research Assistantship and Teaching Assistantship. Besides this, there are various scholarships and schemes. I have applied for the university’s departmental scholarship, which will help me with my finances.

What was the role of CGPA in your application?

The one factor that is looked for is the CGPA. Having a higher CGPA helps in easing out of the process. During the admission process, several other factors are taken into accounts, such as projects, internships, and recommendations.

How is your university going to manage this confusion of the pandemic?

In my case, the online semester is going on now at Purdue University. They gave us a slight hint that they will start the offline classes from the next semester while taking precautions and holding restrictions to prevent any spread of Covid. Although, there isn't clarity on this subject. My class will most probably be starting in August.

How has IIT Kharagpur benefitted in your journey?

IIT Kharagpur is the baseline of my journey. It has given me a platform to learn and gain vast knowledge that I probably may not have learned in some other University. The fantastic professors, students, the campus, and opportunities, and friends together give you the confidence to face any obstacle. They will also provide you with the knowledge that may not be generally visible. Thus, IIT KGP has helped me a lot to grow.

What message do you want to give the juniors today interested in pursuing similar courses? 

In the preliminary stages, I would like to say that there is always a doubt regarding the choice between pursuing higher studies or applying for jobs. The primary goal in the freshman year is to explore your interests. Join societies and research groups. You might also discover your interest in some other branch that you are not currently pursuing. Exploration will also help you know which field you want to enter, the research field, or the job you want to pick up. You can also apply for higher studies in a foreign institute; it is not as hard as it sounds. Try to do everything on your own.