Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2022

Srihas Yarlagadda | Computer Science and Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America

1. While you were in college, what was your motivation to go for higher studies and in
which year did you get that motivation? How did you manage your academics with
your preparation?
-”When I came in, I did not think much about post B. Tech. In the first
semester of my third year I actually realised I had to do something. I was developing
an interest in Systems related courses. I appeared for the GRE in the summer before
the third year. I did prepare for it for about a month, but it was not much of a
workload. “

2. What are the factors that you considered for selecting the universities you are going
to apply for?
-”The MS is a fairly long time commitment, and there must be some purpose if
I go to study in a foreign country. I only applied to 8 universities, which I was actually
prepared to join if I get selected. I looked for faculty doing research in my aligned area. Apart
from the Program reputation, and other general stuff”

3. Did you apply to multiple universities? If yes can you please elaborate on the
differences in the selection process of the universities?
-”It’s a fairly uniform procedure. A lot of work for the SOPs is common among
the universities. You can make a master SOP and then make particular changes in it.
Identify something special in the program that interests you or is relevant to you.
Some universities had mandatory GRE requirement, but some waived it.”
4. In universities in which you were not selected can you please share what you felt
you lacked, and what could you have done better?
-”I applied to 8, got selected in 2, waitlisted in 2, and rejected in the rest. For
the rejection, I feel it was due to absence of research experience. The internships
that I did were industry oriented. Even though research is not mandatory, it’s a good
differentiator between the candidates. “
5. How are you planning to manage your finances? Have you applied for any
-“ I am fortunate on that front, and my parents have got me covered”

6. What were the other difficulties you faced on taking this path and how to overcome
-”The SOPs I was doing at the last minute. And apart from that, the waiting is

really painful. I had to wait for 3 months without any news..”
7. How did IIT KGP benefit you in your journey?

-”KGP gives opportunities. It comes down to how well you are at utilizing
them. Not doing research is something that I regret. The teaching and coursework is
mostly good, it helped me get interest in the field.”

8. What are the opportunities after the MS. course?

-”The placement is quite attractive there. I am probably going to end up

working in some company in Computer Systems.”

9. What are the suggestions that you would give your juniors who want to pursue higher
studies? Could you please give a rough roadmap to ease their journey?
-”Try to find a subject that you’re interested in. Seek out research related to
that field. Keep your CGPA as good as possible. GRE and TOEFL are not to be
worried about”