Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2018

Akash Mandal | Mathematics

McGill University, Canada

Research Area: Machine learning techniques for electroencephalography (EEG) analysis

Duration: 2.5 Months

From where you did Foreign Training?
Ans : I worked with Prof. Yi Yang in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

How was your experience?
Ans : It was an interesting experience overall. From travelling abroad for the first time to being in a place where a large percentage of people speak French, the experience was full of "firsts" for me. I met a lot of people from different countries, made new friends, travelled to a few places, and worked on the latest research in the field. Montreal is a very happening city and there was something new every weekend. The best part was the cool weather, chilly in the start and comfortable towards the end.

Do you think foreign training is important? Why?
Ans : If you plan to go into research, a research internship will definitely help, in terms of research experience, research culture outside India, as well as opportunities for higher studies.
Another aspect is meeting people from different nationalities and cultures, which helps to broaden your views and appreciate different traditions and cultures.

How did you manage your finances? Tell us about your scholarships programme.
Ans : I had applied for the MITACS Globalink Research Internship (applications are open now). They provide a handsome stipend (details on their website) along with funds for travel, accommodation and visa.
You can easily save money even after eating out occasionally and travelling. Depending on your funding, I would suggest trying to make the most out of your visit. It helps a lot though, if you can cook your own meals as often as possible.

How did you apply for FT ? What difficulties did you faced for it?
Ans : I did not mail any professor last year. I had only applied for the MITACS programme. There's an application form to fill, along with some research rationale. There's a recommendation letter and a CV to upload, and you have to make a priority listing of 7 or so projects from a list. Each has an elaborate description attached, so the process is quite smooth. Once I was "under consideration", I got interviews scheduled over video calling by two professors, and a third emailed me expressing his interest to take me. I placed the third professor in my top priority and was matched with him when the results arrived.
The only difficulty was the word limits for your application field. Choosing and prioritizing projects is a bit of a tenuous task, but you can search and filter with keywords, university and professor name.
How was your Stay in the City ?
Ans : I rented a room in downtown Montreal, 5 mins away from the university. The city was a very happening place with different activities throughout the summer. Being in the downtown meant being close to restaurants and bars, shopping malls, and grocery supermarkets. The city had several famous universities and cool museums. I was lucky enough to witness the Jazz Fest and the Canada Day Parade during my stay.

Do you think there is any role of CG for getting FT ?If yes ,How it affects?
Ans : I think having a 9+ CG is really helpful in getting a research project offer, especially in these programs. Only the top two students in my Department (based on CGPA) were under consideration by MITACS.
However, I believe if you are mailing a professor separately, it matters that you have a genuine interest in his field of work, as well as previous work related to the field, if possible.
It’s like saying you are hardworking, and good at studying and research, but a good CG is evidence of that.

How was the host university in terms of research and campus life?
Ans : McGill University is a pretty large campus with a rich history, having produced some of the greatest scientists of the world. While some old buildings are preserved due to their cultural importance, some of the buildings are modern with state of the art facilities.
The research I was working on was cutting edge, with ideas from the very recent papers. There was little pressure, and a large amount of freedom in the work. However, it largely depends on the professor.

What were some things that impressed you there and you think needs to be implemented here at KGP as well?
Ans : I hope that lecture recordings will be implemented for all courses here in KGP (in nptel style). I also think that KGP can offer more freedom in choice of courses, while keeping a minimum credit requirement. Moreover, KGP needs to have a 3-month summer vacation. If not, atleast the students who go for internships should not be harassed for being a couple of weeks late to class.

What was your main motive behind going for an FT ? Do you think it is different from general aspects as your juniors or the person thinks ,who didn’t done FT? Why?
Ans : My main motive was the experience and exposure to research in a renowned foreign university like McGill. The project I selected was in sync with my previous work in KGP, so I believed I could be a good fit and be able to comtribute.
I think that doing a foreign research internship is not something vastly different or special. The experience and exposure, of course, may be helpful, but it depends on person to person. I’d say, if you have to choose between a project you really relate to and are interested in, in India (or even in KGP) and a project that you have little interest in, in a foreign university - you should go with the project of your interest. There is a bit of ongoing hype regarding FT, but trust me, it’s not something that special/different.

What was your expectations before training? Was it same as reality? If not, what was the difference?
Ans : The project I began work on was a little different from the project I had chosen, but it was still related. Secondly, I had thought I would be handed over to a PhD scholar, but I met regularly with the Professor and had direct interaction with him.

What would you suggest to fellow KGPians?
A : If you are interested in research or unsure about it, you can try doing a research internship the next summer. I would suggest you to go for the best project option you get, and to also look for opportunities in programmes like MITACS, DAAD, S N Bose, IITKGPF etc. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get a FT, its nothing too special, and you aren’t missing out on anything. What matters most of all is the kind of work you do and if you enjoy it.