Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2019

Aman Raj | Industrial and Systems Engineering

University of Hong Kong, China

Research Area: Modelling and Analysis with time dynamic road network change when a disaster occurs

Duration: 2 Months

1) What was your motive behind going for FT and how did you apply for it?
My friend and I were doing a project on the supply chain under the supervision of one of our department professor. Luckily one of the professor, from the University of Hong Kong was a friend of my professor. So he recommended us to work with them.

2) How did you manage your expenses?
It was funded from the host university, so I didn't have any problems related to finances.

3) How was your experience during your stay in abroad and how was the culture there?
It was quite an awesome experience. They had a diverse culture and lots of attractive places. People from different countries were pursuing their degrees. They had lots of international students. It's a great place for tourism. People were well organized, the work-culture was relaxing and good.

4) How the university was different from IIT Kharagpur?
The university was heavily funded, infrastructure was great in spite of having a shortage of space. Research field was quite promoted and they had dedicated building/cubicled only for the researchers. It was convenient to work there as all the necessary resources were easily provided.

4) Any problem faced during the whole process?
Not much, except the big language barrier as the most of the people there barely speak English. only the elite had some knowledge of English. I had to use google translator.

5) Any suggestion to our fellow Kgpians who wants to for an FT?
Kgpians should be pretty sure about which field they want to move forward. They shouldn't mail randomly just for the sake of going on an intern since you want to build your career. Most importantly CGPA matters, as it's the first thing any professor sees in your cv. It shows you are how academically sound, and dedicate to the work provided.