Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2019

Gopabandhu Hota | Electronics and Electrical Communication Engg.

Stanford university, US

Research Area: Neuromorphic Computing and Bioelectronics

Duration: 2.5 Months

Tell me the name of the University and what the work you did there?
I did my FT at Stanford University and my research interest was Neuromorphic Computing and Bioelectronics. I worked there on the circuit level of Neuromorphic Computing.

How you apply for your FT?
I take help from different seniors. I came to know about different programs like Mitacs and DAAD. I didn’t get select for any program because these were mostly depended on your CG. I applied in the field in which I had maximum confidence. Then I start personal mailing to the professor. In the first few months, I get frustrated because I didn’t get any reply from the professor. But I keep on trying and finally he accepts me.

What inspires you that you want to go for the FT?
I started exploring things from the first year and try different domains to figure out the actual interest. I worked for the first two to three years in different topics under different professors and after that, I find this area interesting and want to achieve the maximum amount from this.

What value does the FT add to your CV?
If you are not sure about your future, then it will give the first impression of research. During my FT I worked with the bunch of people with similar research interest and that motivated me more towards my research. It will help me to build a good relationship with the professional people in this field. It benefits me a lot about what the actual research is and helps me to apply the textbook knowledge in research. It will also help me if I want to pursue my PhD.

How was the work culture there in terms of research and campus life?
People there are very descent towards the research and they actually like the new work that they are doing. I meet the graduate people there who actually figure out their research interests. The lab members were also good enough and intellectual there. Other than our research work we also had discussions on topics like our career goals and future of the research.

How was your experience there?
The experience was very good there. My professors and lab members are very comfortable. They are really enjoying the scientific research. My lab basically works on the junction of science and technology so I met people who are very good at physics and maths, and also the people who are from an engineering background.

Role of CG in landing an FT?
If you apply for FT in the second year then the resume is not so different from other students, then CG is the only way to judge any student. From CG one basically judges you that you have particular knowledge in your coursework and you are serious in your studies. After the second year, it depends on the combined structure of your resume, recommendation letter and CGPA.

Suggestions to fellow KGPians who want to go for an FT.
I will suggest that after your first year you didn't need to worry about FT. In your second year, you just explore different fields by working with professors. From the third year, you get to know what a particular field you are interested in.
You can take help from your seniors to explore different fields. If your CG is not so good you can still get FT by personal emailing to the professors.

Interviewed by Divyanshu