Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2019

Sourim Banerjee | Chemical Engineering

EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

Research Area: Fluid Dynamics

Duration: 2.5 Months

How did you apply for FT?
I got my FT through EPFL excellence fellowship programme in engineering. I mailed the professor of mechanical department of EPFL university, requesting him to give me a project under his guidance so he just told me to fill the application form for the fellowship, hence I applied and got selected.

Why the professor preferred you over others for this project? What was in your profile?
Actually I did my internship in 2nd year on the same topic of fluid dynamics, so I guess that helped me in getting a FT.

Why do think foriegn training is important for a students life?
Foreign Training gives you a different exposure, you gain a new experience that adds up not only to your CV but increases your knowledge also. You come to know how things work there, their education, research labs, apart from studies you get a chance to explore their culture, lifestyles and of course help in developing new relations.

How was your experience?
As it was my first trip to foreign country so it was an awesome experience. There were beautiful natural sceneries, lakes and many attractive places . I visited inside as well as outside Switzerland. I also travelled to cities like Paris, Rome and had an amazing time there.

What difference you experienced in education there as compared to India?
As the population in countries like Switzerland is very sparse than India so competition is quite less there. Also the professors were quite friendly and easily approachable. Their curriculum is also very flexible and gives you a chance to explore different fields whichever you want.

How did you manage your finances there?
I got the scholarship so I didn't have to spend anything from my own, all the expenses were covered by the fellowship itself.

Role of CG in FT?
According to me CG is one of the most crucial criteria, if you have any previous experience in research that will definitely increase your chances of getting a FT but CG plays a big role and hence should be taken care of.