Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2019

Subhadeep Pal | Civil Engineering

University of Tokyo, Japan

Research Area: Finite element analysis and massive parallel finite element solver

Duration: 1.5 Months

1. What was the area of your research?

I am from the Civil Engineering department and I was working on a finite element analysis program and also a massive parallel finite element solver in the lab. The projects on the campus were interdisciplinary projects and so there was no definite department that I can relate to research.

2. How did you apply for FT?

I applied in many scholarship programs like MITACS, UTSIP, etc. Then, I sent selected emails to some professors whose research interests were inclined to my area of interest. Ultimately, it was through the University of Tokyo Summer Internship programme that I went for an FT.

3. Can you tell us about your scholarship programme?

My internship programme was at the University of Tokyo Summer Internship programme (UTSIP). It was a six-week internship program organized by the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo. Actually, the campus is 20 km away from Tokyo. The name of the place is Kashiba. A counselor is also assigned to you to get used to the work culture, which in my case, assisted a lot!

4. How did you manage your finances?

Through my internship programme, I was provided with accommodation and a one-time stipend which was enough for my stay for the duration of the training.

5. What differences did you feel between working under professors in kgp and the University of Tokyo?

The professors try very hard to define the problem and make you understand, even if you don't have a strong background. Also, people in Japan are very hardworking. They used to organize a weekly meeting to check the progress and ask students the problems they are facing, we used to have a nice discussion. Labs were accessible all the time.

6. Why do you think Foreign training is important?

Foreign Internship gives you an opportunity to meet people from other countries and get assimilated with their culture, which is a unique experience. Also, the connections you build with these people can assist you in your future endeavours. And the stay in any foreign country is very enjoyable as you get to visit amazing places and get used to a whole new culture. You are there mostly by yourself, so you learn many indispensable life skills

7. How was your stay in Tokyo?

In the six weeks duration of the internship programme, we had a welcome party. We also had a field trip which was very nice, as we went near the pacific ocean! The food is great for non-veg lovers, but if you are a vegetarian then you will have a hard time in Japan! The professors were very interactive and the whole work culture was extremely supportive.