Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2020

Nikhil Agarwal | Chemical Engineering

Field Viewers, USA

Research Area: Software Development

1. Which University did you get in? What was your research topic?
I got a corporate internship at Field Viewers, Chicago, Illinois. My whole work lay in the field of Software Development but mainly my project work was Web RTC Platform development

2. How did you apply for FT?
It was directly through the IR cell, FTP portal. So I was applying for different universities, and I got selected in two. And this was a fully funded one, thus I went for this.

3. Why do you think FT is important?
The work culture is quite different compared to what we do here. Every country has its own working pattern, and one can learn it by doing an FT. They mostly leave the project to you, so you have to mould, you have to carry the project.

4. From where did you get the motivation? How did it all start? How did you handle your preparation for your academics?
I approached many seniors and asked their suggestions in this regard, I got positive opinions from their side. Also, FT has a high impact on the CV as well, this was also one of my main motives in going for the FT.
Before bagging this opportunity, I had already done 2 internships before so I was kind of confident that I can learn quickly and apply those in doing the tasks allotted to me.

5. What was the role of CG?
An 8+ CG is more than enough. The interviewer mainly focused on points in my CV and I was able to justify all of them properly, that was the main reason that I got into the project.

6. If you did a remote internship, what was the communication mode for you to the university?
It was mostly only via google meet. On all weekdays, we had to call at 8 p.m to discuss the project.

7. How would you describe your overall experience?
I found it awesome, I learnt many things in Web RTC and in App development as well. The mentor/founder was very supportive too, there was a lot of knowledge that I gained from the project and from him.

8. What advice would you like to give to our fellow KGPins who aspire for FT?
Don't be specific that you would apply only for one university, at least try to give interviews, whether the opportunity is funded or not. Take every chance as much as possible. Try to explore your domain and other domains as well.