Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2021

Asimpunya Mitra | Physics

Technical University of Munich, Germany

Research Area: Condensed Matter Theory and some aspects of Quantum Computing

What was the University and topic of research that was taken up by you during the FT?

My university was the Technical University of Munich, and the topic of research was Simulating the dynamics of 1D spin chains using noisy quantum circuits.

Why is an FT important? How would one compare research in Indian universities and foreign universities?

FT is important because as I want to pursue a Ph.D., I am trying to get as much research experience as possible and it is very helpful to know how research is done abroad, hence an FT is essential.
There are few places in India too with good research. I researched in my 1st and 2nd years in India and 3rd and 4th years I am doing FTs. However, I observed that professors abroad give a lot of time to their intern students and stay very connected throughout the project overseas compared to the professors in India.

FT vs corporate internship, what are all the things we are missing out on and what are we gaining more?

I have never really tried a corporate internship but one thing is that if you are going to go into research then definitely go for an FT. One disadvantage of a research internship is that you might not get paid during the research internship (especially when it is online), but a corporate internship always pays you.

Should BTech students aspiring for higher studies from abroad opt for an FT?

Yes absolutely, a student interested in research should try for an FT abroad as it gives them a greater opportunity to explore his/her area of interest. You can get to know the research culture of other countries which might prove essential when applying for MS/Ph.D.

What exactly is the application process for the FT? Are there any important documents one must keep?

I have been selected through internship programs. You must have an email draft and CV ready.

How did the process get affected due to the online nature of the applications?

No, the application process was the same. I think one relaxation for the DAAD program was that reference letter was not mandatory this year.

Did you have to mail the professor personally for the project? For how much time did you wait for a reply?

I mailed some professors for DAAD. I got a positive reply within a few weeks of starting the process.

When should one start applying for an FT? How long did the procedure last till you got the desired FT?

I have applied through summer programs, so I just followed the deadlines. I received confirmation for my desired FT in April.

What is the role of CGPA in the selection process?

CGPA plays a major role. Many people applied for DAAD, but their application did not get approved as they did not meet the CG requirement which is very high; as high as 9.2-9.3

How did the pandemic affect your application for the project? Did the pandemic have any positive impact on the project?

The application process remained the same. One positive impact is that it gave me some flexibility in my work hours.

Where should a student, who is unaware of the entire application process, look up information about professors and their research work for opportunities?

There are multiple ways. You can look up their university web pages and websites. You can open the google scholar profiles of professors and see their publications, read them and then try to find professors whose interest matches yours. Also approaching professors would help as they would suggest colleagues abroad to whom you can apply.

How should a first-year student prepare beforehand for his FT application in their subsequent year?

Before going for an FT, you should take up a small project in India. Your FT should preferably not be your first project as it would be better if you gain some experience in the domestic environment. Additionally doing a couple of projects in your home country adds to the CV when you apply for an FT.

Does belonging to IITKGP provide any added benefits for getting your FT?

Yes in a few situations. For example, I got selected in a program that has a trend of taking students only from IITs. But most importantly for an FT one needs to have some research experience.