Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2021

Mohit SIngh | Aerospace Engineering

None, None

Research Area: None

What was the University and topic of research that was taken up by you during the FT?

I worked at Carnegie Mellon University in AIR Lab. My topic of Research was Learning-based visual-inertial odometry. The problem to address was to find the position of the robot using an onboard camera and accelerometer.

Why is an FT important? How would one compare research in Indian universities and foreign universities?

The amount of depth and knowledge that we receive in this FT is immense. Also, we get different perspectives on the same problem. Also, the discussions with peers who have different projects and similar applications help a lot to get more knowledge in the field. Foreign universities also provide more facilities to conduct research compared t the Indian ones. Whereas in an Indian University though there is good communication with professors, peer group discussions are lacking.

FT vs corporate internship, what are all the things we are missing out on and what are we gaining more?

FT and corporate are two different things and in my opinion, we can’t compare these two. Both have their own merits and demerits.

Should BTech students aspiring for higher studies from abroad opt for an FT?

Definitely! The work that is done by you in any medium to high-level foreign university will help you in your application for higher studies abroad. Also, one can get connections that might also help, for your applications.

What exactly is the application process for the FT? Are there any important documents one must keep?

There are many ways of Applications, mainly there are un-structured ways where one can mail a lot of professors at once and expect a reply from one of them. Whereas the structured way is to create a detailed mail to the professor or apply through programs such as MITACS or DAARD. CGPA is an important criterion when it comes to applications through programs. I had applied for the Robotics Institute Summer Scholars Program, but in the end, my name didn't come to the final list. I mailed the professor later and after some communication, he accepted me as a visiting scholar.

When should one start applying for an FT? How long did the procedure last till you got the desired FT?

The best time to start applying for the FT would be around September-October. I had applied to multiple universities in parallel but to get the desired FT would take nearly a month. Sometimes it would take longer and might get finalized maybe in January or mid-February. I got my confirmation at the end of February.

What is the role of CGPA in the selection process?

CGPA is a really important aspect when it comes to applying through programs and it is beneficial to have a high CGPA. Although a decent CGPA won’t reject your application, a low score will give you problems indefinitely.

How did the pandemic affect your application for the project? Did the pandemic have any positive impact on the project?

The pandemic had negative impacts on my training. The whole training was through an online mode whereas I could have gained much more through one on one interaction with my peers and professors. In terms of the work that I had done, which was mostly mathematical and computational, there weren’t many hindrances.

Where should a student, who is unaware of the entire application process, look up information about professors and their research work for opportunities?

Those who have an average grasp on their research topics can attend conferences and read research papers to identify professors, etc. But if you’re just starting, you can ask your seniors for a list of professors or explore your research topics.

How should a first-year student prepare beforehand for his FT application in their subsequent year?

The first step would be to explore your area of research. As I have learned from my applications, it is no benefit to limit yourself to one specific area of research. If you have core interests, it is beneficial to join a research group, where you can receive a good experience. One more thing one can do is work on a project under a professor, which can then be used in one’s CV.

Does belonging to IITKGP provide any added benefits for getting your FT?

I would say applications are more at a candidate level as I have seen many students from NITs and other IITs excelling at the same. But the knowledge and help received from seniors and professors were beneficial such as the knowledge of FTs by IRCell’s website.