Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2021

Sayan Maity | Electronics and Electrical Communication Engg.

University of California, USA

Research Area: Stock Prediction using AI aggregation

What was the University and topic of research that was taken up by you during the FT?

The University was the University of California San Francisco, and the topic was Stock Prediction using AI Aggregation.

Why is an FT important? How would one compare research in Indian universities and foreign universities?

If the FT had been offline, it would have had a significant impact. You would learn about the culture outside India, experience the institution’s academics, and learn how things work there. Basically, it gives you a broader outlook and helps you to approach things differently. However, due to covid, I couldn’t experience those things but still got to work with the professor. I had to work according to her directions and approach, which was different compared to Indian Professors. Another reason is that, if we are doing an internship under a foreign University, it will give us a better experience and a new way to look at different things.

FT vs. corporate internship, what are all the things we are missing out on, and what are we gaining more?

In my case, FT was a research internship, and the professor was doing research on a topic, and I helped her by contributing to the project. It was more of a research-orientated project where we used different methods, compared results, and reported them. But corporate internships are entirely different where you are given specific tasks and deadlines and you have to complete the project as per the requirements, but here we were given the freedom to explore different methods on how to do the task and come up with the most apt solutions. Still, there is not much freedom and time in corporate, and there are many other constraints too.

Should BTech students aspiring for higher studies from abroad opt for an FT?

Yes, apart from academics, these things also matter when you go abroad for higher studies. Hence it will be a great way to improve your resume.

What exactly is the application process for the FT? Are there any important documents one must keep?

In my case, I applied through the IRCell post, went to the portal, and applied through that, and the only document I had to submit was my resume, and also I had to write a Statement of Purpose(SOP).

How did the process get affected due to the online nature of the applications?

In the online semester, there were no problems. IR Cell made it really easy, and we just had to apply on the website through resume and SOP, and if we got selected, we received a mail, and then we had to fill a final form.

Did you have to mail the professor personally for the project? For how much time did you wait for a reply?

After I got selected, I was given an email ID of the professor by IRCELL, and I contacted her in January. She asked if I wanted to do the internship now or in the summers, and I told summers. Also, when I did contact her, she would reply frequently.

When should one start applying for an FT? How long did the procedure last till you got the desired FT?

I applied through IR cell, and it was pretty easy. I applied in December, and I got the mail that I was selected within 15 days, as far as I remember. IR cell made the process easier and acted as an intermediate body between the professor and me. Hence it required less time compared to mailing.

What is the role of CGPA in the selection process?

One of my friends had a similar CG like me (9+), but he didn't get it, but I did. The process is not transparent, and you would not get to know the reason for rejection.

How did the pandemic affect your application for the project? Did the pandemic have any positive impact on the project?

I had mentioned in my SOP that if the current technology was not developed, we would not have been able to carry our education. It helped me in realizing that why we are doing this and how it’s important for future generations. But if it was offline, I could have gained a much better experience.
Where should a student, who is unaware about the entire application process, look up information about professors and their research work for opportunities?
There are two methods, and as far as IR cell is considered, a lot of information could be found on the IR cell website only. As soon as some internship opportunity arrives, you get a post on FB. For mailing, you have to do research, go to different websites and universities, and get information from there.

How should a first-year student prepare beforehand for his FT application in their subsequent year?

The best the first-year student could do is explore various societies and research groups. The first year is to explore interest in different fields, see what suits you, and learn about other things, and many courses are available online. In the second year, the academic load increases, so after the first year, you sort of get an idea about your interest, and then you can try to study in that area more.

Does belonging to IITKGP provide any added benefits for getting your FT?

Yes, IIT has an international brand value, so IIT KGP has an edge.