Exchange Diaries  

By International Relations Cell

Outbound Diaries 2021

Shivam Rajesh Gupta | Chemical Engineering

Lehigh University, USA

Research Area: Materials Science

What was the University and topic of research that was taken up by you during the FT?

Name of the University- Lehigh University

Topic- Micro-recycling facilities of plastics

Why is an FT important? How would one compare research in Indian universities and foreign universities?

FT’s main objective is to improve language skills, learn about new cultures, and perspectives and experience different styles of teaching. International internships are the perfect place to stretch your mind, hear new ideas and consider implementing them. It also enhances your network to an international level.
Foreign Universities provide better technologies with a new way of studying. It has a diversity of classmates and professors which helps in exposure to new ways of thinking.

FT vs corporate internship, what are all the things we are missing out on and what are we gaining more?

FT is really helpful to build a research profile whereas a corporate internship builds a job profile. FT is focused on developing the practical skills of a student and making use of the theoretical knowledge on a wide range. FTs are generally costlier but various funding and scholarship opportunities make them affordable.

Should BTech students aspiring for higher studies from abroad opt for an FT?

Yes having exposure to research projects with foreign universities will always be a high point in undergraduate studies.

What exactly is the application process for the FT? Are there any important documents one must keep?

I have followed the FTP portal of IR Cell, IIT Kharagpur for the application process. It involves a Statement of Purpose for that project and a Resume. In SOP, clearly mention the following points:

-What are your interest related to the topic?

-What do you like about the topic?

-How it will help you and humanity?

-How do you suit for the project?

The only important document one must have is a passport for foreign travel.

How did the process get affected due to the online nature of the applications?

The whole FTP process was online and I keep myself ready with all requirements needed to attend the online process.

Did you have to mail the professor personally for the project? For how much time did you wait for a reply?

No, I did not mail any professor. I have applied through the Foreign Training Program portal of International Relations Cell with my resume and statement of purpose. The whole process was done very smoothly by IR Cell, IIT Kharagpur.

When should one start applying for an FT? How long did the procedure last till you got the desired FT?

One can start applying for FT from October onwards. And must make an account on the FTP portal and follow all the updates of IR Cell related to an upcoming project on the Facebook Page.

What is the role of CGPA in the selection process?

Descent CG (>8.5) for foreign training always gives the edge in the selection process.

How did the pandemic affect your application for the project? Did the pandemic have any positive impact on the project?

Due to the pandemic, my internship was remote. Positive impact on the project was the advantage of flexibility, work independently, work with people around the world, being cost-effective, etc.

Where should a student, who is unaware of the entire application process, look up information about professors and their research work for opportunities?

One can go through the official college website, where all the data of Professors are given along with their research profile and contact details.

How should a first-year student prepare beforehand for his FT application in their subsequent year?

First Years can go through various Professor research work available on the college website and can explore their interests.

Does belonging to IITKGP provide any added benefits for getting your FT?

Yes, being from a top-tier university will definitely benefit the application and will give an edge over other candidates.