"Worked on fluid dynamics in porous media under the guidance of Professor G.P. Raja Sekhar in exchange program between the Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTem) and IIT Kharagpur"
"I am from the University of Bremen, and currently doing my Master Degree in Mathematics. The exchange program between the Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTem) and IIT Kharagpur made it possible for me to come to a diversified country like India. Under the guidance of Professor G.P. Raja Sekhar I worked on fluid dynamics in porous media.
Luckily I came to India on Independence Day. I was overwhelmed to see all the streets crowded and decorated and had music blasting out of huge speakers at every corner. The project wasn't the only purpose of this journey to India. Coming from Germany, I wanted to break out of the western culture and explore a whole new world for me. I've learned in no time that people from India are very helpful and I've made a lot of friends during my stay here at IIT .
Without seeing every corner of this beautiful country, I still came across the local differences in culture and food. I enjoyed every day of my stay at IIT Kharagpur and it taught me so many new things which I couldn't have ever learnt back in Germany ."
-Luis Lüttgens
  Exchange Student at IIT Kharagpur (Autumn '16).